One Year Anniversary and 1.0 Update

Hello Absurdian!

It's hard to believe it's been a year since I published the first version of Absurdia. It's been such a joy to see all the folks who have enjoyed the game and hear about the many surreal adventures that you all have gotten up to. 

It's also been quite a while since my last update here, which I am sorry for. I have been continuing to work on version 1.0, albeit more slowly than I had originally expected or hoped. A new job, moving houses, and parenting a very exuberant and adventureous toddler - while incredibly fulfilling - have taken up more of my time than I'd bargained for when I initially set out.

I hope to have version 1.0 ready for release sometime in the next couple months. You can look forward to a fully laid out core book with new illustrations, a major update to the GM section with additional information, tools, and resources, and a number of tweaks and quality of life changes to improve the way the game plays.

I've included a couple sneaks below, and I’m so excited to be able to share the rest with you soon. Thank you again for your patience and support.


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This looks great, I'm looking forward to the updates!

so excited! i really hope i get to run this game one day <3